Our Collection

British Colonial Round Mahogany Dining Table with Marble Top

Mid 19th century

An impressive, British colonial mahogany dining table with marble top. Beneath a scalloped apron with floral carving. The table is supported on a florid carved centre column supported by three moulded cabriole legs with acanthus carving on the knee that end in scrolled feet.

It is of lovely large proportions and would easily seat eight-ten people.

The table is in good condition and has been lovingly restored and finished to its former glory using a traditional form of French polishing and waxing. The mahogany has a rich warm shade with a striking grain.

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This marble top dining table has been sold.




British colonial India
H: 77 cm Dia: 183 cm
H: 30” Dia: 72” or 6 ft

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