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Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar – Copper Engraving

N. Sanson/A.H. Jaillot – 1685

Title: L’Espagne diuifeé en tous ses Royaumes et Principautes suiuant qu’ils sont compris sous Les Couronnes de astille et d’Aragon Possedées par le Roy Catholique et sous la Coronne de Portugal Poßedée par le Roy de Portugal Tirée de plusieurs Memoires les pl.s recentes  Par le Sr. Sanson, Geographe du Roy. A Paris Chez H. Iaillot joignant les grands Auguflins aux deux Globes Avec privilege de fa Majesté pour vingt ans 1685.

Very large and highly detailed fine unusual 1685 Alexis Hubert Jaillot’s edition of the Nicolas Sanson’s large-format copper engraved map of the Iberian Peninsula. Covers Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, southern France, northern coastline of Morocco and Balearic Islands. The map is filled with excellent topographic details on cities, towns, rivers, lakes, reliefs, islands as well as political divisions. At right hand bottom, a large strap work title cartouche with cherubs & horses completes the map as well as an alternative French title to the top near net line, a large mileage scale and a large decorative dedicatory cartouche embellished with cherubs, garlands and royal armorial at the top left hand.

About the Cartographer
Alexis Hubert Jaillot (c. 1632- 1712) followed Nicholas Sanson (1600 – 1667) and his descendants in ushering in the great age of French Cartography in the late 17th and 18th century. Though not a cartographer himself, Jaillot’s access to the Sanson plates enabled him to publish numerous maps and atlases with only slight modifications and updates to the originals.  Jaillot’s maps were particularly admired for their elaborate and meaningful allegorical title cartouches and other decorative elements. In 1686 he was awarded the title of Geographe du Roi and with it significant prestige and the coveted yearly stipend of 600 Livres. Jaillot was one of the last French map makers to acquire this title.

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The map is professionally framed using high quality and acid free materials
H: 63 cm W: 92 cm image size ( 85 x 115 cm framed size)
H: 25” W: 36” image size ( 33 1/2 x 45”framed size)


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