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British Colonial Carved Serpentine Front Sideboard

Mid 19th century

A stunning and beautifully carved and pierced British colonial serpentine front sideboard in rosewood. The overhanging top is made of one piece of rosewood with floral carving around the edge and features a carved and pierced gallery. The front is mounted with four hinged doors with dome shaped panels that are intricately carved and pierced with a design of intertwining vines and mystical birds figures. The four doors are flanked by carved pilasters with a Yali figure at its top. The Yali is said to be a guardian creature, protecting human beings both physically and spiritually. The interior is made in mahogany and fitted with two shelves. The piece stands on a base, again carved and pierced in the same floral design, resting on six small, carved claw feet.

The sideboard is in good condition and has been lovingly restored and finished to its former glory using a traditional form of French polishing and waxing. The Indian rosewood that this piece has been made of has a naturally occurring dark shade with a striking grain.

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This carved sideboard has been sold. 


British colonial India
H: 132 cm (103 cm) W: 153 cm D: 53 cm
H: 52” (40½”) W: 60” D: 21”


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